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Katherine Kinzler: “Linguistic diversity marks social groups..."
Dr. Katherine Kinzler: Think of a person as an individual and not a member of a group
How You Say It by Katherine D. Kinzler: 8 Minute Summary
The Way You Talk—And What It Says About You, with Prof. Katherine Kinzler
How to Speak Justly and Bridge Divides - Katherine Kinzler | The Open Mind
Do We Judge Others By The Way They Speak? | Katherine Kinzler PhD
Julie Sedivy discusses "Memory Speaks" with Katherine D. Kinzler
The Importance of How You Say Something with Katherine Kinzler
How Our Speech Shapes Our Identity | Dr. Katherine Kinzler Being Well Podcast #161
Understanding why & how language varies across space and social groups.
Disrupting Voice Stereotypes and Accents with Hadar Shemesh - Episode 22
Mmmm... Linguistic Diversity